

From catalog section, you can access the full list of titles available in the library.

You can find your title of choice by:

  1. The main page search bar.
  2. The main page carousels.
  3. The subject's drop-down menu.


From Loans section you can access the full list of active loans associated with your account.


From Loan History section you can access the full list of previous loans associated with your account.


This section shows all of the current holds associated with your account.

The status of all the holds can be seen:

  1. Pending: Still on the waiting list, until the item is available.
  2. Available: You have been notified of the availability of the resource. You can find the date when your hold starts and the day it will expire.
  3. Downloades: You downloaded the item once it became available.
  4. Expired: The time to place this hold is over. Search the item again and checkout the item or if unavailable, place another hold on it.


In this section, you can find all the titles you have downloaded to read on the app's reader.

Each of the downloaded books comes with the title and author, the checkout expiration date, the last time you read it, and the number of read pages vs. the total amount of pages.

Developed by Odilo. All rights reserved.