To read a book from the app's reader, you need to go to the Loans section and click on the Download button.

If you want to customize your reading settings, click once while in the downloaded title so that the settings menu appears.

The following options are available:

  1. Application menu (top left icon): Allows you to view the Menu and browse through the different app sections.
  2. Bookmarks (top right icon): This allows the user to place bookmarks in the book.
  3. Progress bar (bottom): Indicates the number of pages you've read vs. total number of pages.
  4. Contents table and Bookmarks (bottom left icon): Shows all the chapters in the books and all the bookmarks the user has been placing within the book.
  5. Settings (bottom center icon): This enables the user to configure the background brightness, background color, font type, font size and interspacing.
  6. Search bar: Enables the user to search for specific words.
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