Last April, the globally-reaching magazine TIME published the list of the top EdTech companies of 2024 internationally, among which ODILO is included. Without a doubt, this is an indisputable recognition from the world’s number one database and market research firm, Statista, which positions us above prestigious international tech multinationals located in the United States, China, or India.

Our financial strength and impact on the educational sector have not only led to international recognition, but have also been the cause of ODILO’s exponential evolution in this year 2024. For the third consecutive year, we have been selected as one of Spain’s unicorn candidates in January, a list compiled by the leading Spanish venture capital funds and business goals. In March, we were chosen as one of the Top100 Next Unicorns scale-ups in Europe, and a month lated, recognized by TIME magazine as one of the leading EdTech companies of 2024 worldwide.

Our impact on the educational industry is undeniable, both on a multinational and national level. Currently, we lead Spain as a global educational powerhouse, being the first among the 7 Spanish companies selected on TIME and Statista’s list:ODILO, Smartick, SimSkills, Genially, Game Learn, ABA English, Lingokids.
ODILO is the only company capable of generating large-scale projects across all industries simultaneously, from Corporate, K12, Higher Education, to Governments.
They already validate the fact that we are the only company capable of leading major projects at all levels: the 9,100 organizations and 19 Ministries from over 54 countries, with agreements with over 7,300 providers of educational digital content in all formats, enabling access to learning for over 170 million users.
In addition to having corporate clients such as MTN, Nestlé, Santander, and Iberdrola, and serving the public education sector with entities as large as the States of São Paulo and Paraná in Brazil, aiding in the reading comprehension of over 2 million students, we’ve worked with MadRead in the Community of Madrid, LeoCyL in Castilla y León, CRA for schools across Chile, and Plan Ceibal for the Ministry of Education of Uruguay. In the private sector, we collaborate with renowned schools and congregations such as Calasancio, Salesianos, Champagnat, and SEK International Schools.
In the realm of Higher Education, we’ve undertaken projects with prestigious universities such as Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) in Mexico, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). When it comes to Vocational Training, we can mention different organizations like MEDAC, CESUR, or SENA. Lastly, at the governmental level, we have worked with the Community of Madrid developing the “Madrid Aula Digital” project. We have also worked with the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León, or for the State of São Paulo, among others, for whom we developed the BibliOn project.

Our future projection is to continue growing internationally, assisting companies like yours in becoming their best version through our Unlimited Learning Ecosystem.
Experience all the advantages and benefits of having ODILO by trying out a free demo now.