Madrid Aula Digital, the training platform of the Community of Madrid to reduce the digital divide

Report published by: TeleMadrid

One of the Community of Madrid’s objectives is to boost technological employment. To this end, it has launched Madrid Aula Digital, a training and informative platform with more than 150 courses, both online and face-to-face. By bringing technological content to all audiences, it aims to contribute to citizen training and reduce the digital divide.

More than 150 courses available

The MAD initiative, financed by the Next Generation European Funds, brings together more than 150 courses that can be easily accessed: students only need to register on the website and set up their area to access the seminar catalog. For those who are not familiar with surfing the web, a group of facilitators will visit the region’s town halls to help them use the platform, ensuring that everyone can benefit from this initiative.

Each user’s account has different sections where he/she can consult the seminars held, save favorites, view grades and prizes, or participate in competitions stimulating progress.

In addition, the platform has a robust support system, with technicians who monitor students, design training itineraries, and solve possible problems immediately through a User Service Center and various channels. This includes a free telephone service (900 42 32 32 70) from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 2 pm, and 5 pm to 8 pm, and on Saturdays, from 10 am to 2 pm. All the teachers who teach the classes are accredited professionals in this field, ensuring a secure and supportive learning environment.

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