ODILO Certifies its Commitment to Excellence in Human Resources Management and Diversity & Inclusion

  • The edtech company, boasting over 40% female talent, has been accredited by the certifying entity Applus+.
  • It is also endorsed in ‘Quality Management’, in Human Resources Management, Diversity and Inclusion, and certified in the Sustainable Development Goals SDG5 ‘Gender Equality’ and SDG10 ‘Reduced Inequalities’, among others.

Madrid, April 3, 2024.- ODILO, a Spanish edtech company that enables all types of organizations and institutions to create their own Unlimited Learning Ecosystem, has received ISO 30415 recognition, certifying its ‘Human Resources Management – Diversity and Inclusion in the organization’ system by the firm Applus+.

This certification reflects the initiatives that the Cartagena-based company undertakes within the framework of its Diversity and Inclusion Plan (D&I). In this regard, the company has over 40% female presence in its workforce. It was also previously certified in SDGs 5 ‘Gender Equality’ and 10 ‘Reduced Inequalities’.

Aligned with its goal of achieving gender parity, ODILO is focusing on being a more diverse company in all dimensions of diversity. Regarding generational diversity, it has representation across different age ranges from 20 to 60 years old, while in terms of cultural diversity, 15% of the workforce comes from outside Spain.

Among the initiatives the company undertakes to develop this aspect of its corporate DNA is its participation in the ‘Incorpora’ program by the La Caixa Foundation, which encourages the recruitment of individuals at risk of social exclusion, its adherence to the Diversity Charter of the European Commission, and the Spanish Network of the UN Global Compact. Additionally, ODILO collaborates with entities like the Employment Resource Center AIDEMAR and the Micrograno de Arena Foundation.

Furthermore, the company emphasizes its commitment through other actions such as mandatory internal training and evaluations on Diversity and Inclusion. It also maintains a whistleblowing channel for situations where the D&I Plan is not adhered to, and it encourages suppliers and partners to comply with minimum standards of Human Rights and labor ethics.

This certification is not the only one. The organization holds other ISO certifications that endorse its good corporate practices, such as ‘Quality Management’ (ISO 9001) and ‘Environmental Management’ (ISO 14001), alongside additional accreditations like UNE 19601 ‘Penal Compliance Management’ and other SDGs that highlight the organization’s contributions to SDG 4 Quality Education, SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production, and SDG 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.

“We have always aimed to maintain a gender-balanced workforce. We strive to overcome the challenge posed by the technology sector, which has lower representation of female talent. Additionally, we have a wide generational variety and a rich cultural diversity with employees from America, Asia, Africa, and other European countries,” notes Miguel Rodríguez, Business Manager of ODILO.


ODILO is a digital education company that enables any organization to create its own Learning Ecosystem, offering its users unlimited access to the world’s largest multi-format educational content catalog and the ability to create all kinds of learning experiences without restrictions. More than 9,100 organizations from over 54 countries have already created Unlimited Learning Ecosystems that grant access to learning for an aggregated user base of +170 million users.

ODILO, the world’s largest educational ecosystem, has content agreements with +7300 providers of educational digital content in all formats (courses, interactive applications, videos, podcasts, press, magazines, audiobooks, books, etc.).

ODILO is a multi-vertical company that drives learning in Private Companies, Public and Private Schools, Public and Private Universities, Certified Vocational Training, Public Administration, and Government.
